Books by Barnes &  Conti

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Case Studies

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Case Study: Influence Skills for Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing Groups

Excerpt: “Barnes & Conti has delivered many Exercising Influence programs globally to the biotech and pharmaceutical industry. We customized our programs by researching the specific influence challenges and customer situations faced by sales and marketing groups and integrating them into the training programs. This enabled account managers to learn the mind-sets and skill sets by practicing with their own “real world” scenarios...”

Case Study: The Challenge of Internal Consulting

Excerpt: “Barnes & Conti has delivered its Consulting on the Inside and Influential Internal Consultant programs to a variety of industries including financial services, energy, aeronautics, insurance, and retail. For example, we provided an international financial services company a process model and methodology for developing more effective internal consultants...

Case Study: Managing Change in Public Health Departments

Excerpt: “Multiple PHDs have engaged with Barnes & Conti to help plan, prepare for, and implement organizational change and address issues of transition. We facilitated change at many levels and functions including helping physicians, nurses, administrators, and other practitioners better align their practices with organizational mission, values, and culture. We worked with them to develop the key mindsets and skill-sets needed for influence, innovation, and strategic thinking in the ever-changing human health environment.”

Case Study: Constructive Debate in a Technology Organization
by Rebecca Hendricks

Excerpt: “Barnes & Conti was called into a technology client company to address concerns about innovation and creativity within work teams, between departments and within other internal organizations. The training and development team didn’t know exactly what they needed, but they could describe “red flag symptoms” when a group of people spent time attempting to come up with better ideas...”


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