Article: Keeping the Human in Human Resources

Soft SkillsThinking about the impact of emerging artificial intelligence? Nelson Soken, Ph.D, Barnes & Conti’s Chief Innovation Strategist, gives thought to several of the issues, in the article entitled, “How to keep the “HUMAN” in Human Resources and Talent Development in the Global and Digital Age.”

Nelson makes a convincing case that certain human skills–so called “soft skills”–can never be replaced by machines. He also details helpful suggestions geared towards HR professionals in developing these critical skills for today’s workforce.

According to the article: “…companies are grappling with how to continually identify, retain, and build the skills of their workforce in an ever-shifting business climate. The challenge is to provide timely and cost-effective skill-building and talent development offerings that ultimately drive company growth.”

Read the article on our website.

#softSkills, #talentDevelopment, 

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