Constructive Debate? Or the Meeting after the Meeting?

Image: Building Better Ideas Book CoverWhy do we have to have the “meeting after the meeting,” that intense discussion about what we should have said, but didn’t. In Kim Barnes’ soon-to-be-published book, Building Better Ideas: How Constructive Debate Inspires Courage, Collaboration and Breakthrough Solutions, she begins by discussing the all-too-common scenario in which ideas and honest opinions only show up in the “meeting after the meeting.”

Kim makes a compelling case for engaging in “Constructive Debate,” an open process for considering, vetting, and improving ideas. She has compiled her experience and research in her new book, to be published in October by Berrett-Koehler. Follow the link below to read a substantial excerpt from the book.

From the excerpt:

“Organizational or team cultures that discourage disagreement and debate risk missing ideas that could transform their business results, create greater efficiency, or help them to become a great place to work, attracting the best talent. Those ideas, or the seeds of them, walk out the actual or virtual door of their company every day between the ears of team members.” #constructiveDebate, #buildingBetterIdeas

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