New Book Co-Authored by Kim Barnes: Consulting on the Inside

Consulting on the InsideBarnes & Conti CEO Kim Barnes and longtime friend of Barnes & Conti, Beverly Scott of Bev Scott Consulting collaborated on the 2nd edition of Consulting on the Inside: A practical guide for internal consultants. The book is published by ASTD Press and will be available this week, on February 18.

According to the publisher:

Consulting on the Inside, A Practical Guide for Internal Consultants by Beverly Scott and B. Kim Barnes, is a solid resource for internal consultants at all experience levels. Readers will better understand their role and discover many ways to improve their performance and make greater contributions to their organizations. This book includes advice on how to:

  • maintain an outsider’s objectivity while applying an insider’s knowledge   of the organization
  • build relationships while being up-front about challenges and issues
  • design a role to fit the client’s needs and the organizational situation
  • handle roadblocks and deal effectively with difficult clients
  • market consulting services within the client organization

Readers will find a thorough examination of the eight phases of the consulting process, a comprehensive analysis of the differences between internal and external consultants, key skills for success in the internal consulting role and many personal stories and examples from internal consultants in fields ranging from organization development to information technology to marketing. Consulting on the Inside provides a complete toolbox for getting the job done, including tips and techniques, checklists, forms, sample agreements, and ready-to-use agendas.

Congratulations to Bev and Kim on the book! I’ll have a link up as soon as the book is available for purchase.

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